The next FAISE of the future of work has begun.

    I help bootcamp graduates hone and specialize in cutting-edge technology skills and get interivewed for their first role in Tech!
    Join FAISE, the 12 week 1 on 1 coaching program where I personally coach you on how to close the skill gap and get that next role.

    About Me

    If there were Cliffs Notes on my story, here are some Cliffs Notes of the Cliffs Notes. Having a storied past, I have found it very easy to relate to different types of people. My experience has also afforded me encounters with various types of industries, cultures, and problems. Having a storied present, I am equipped in ways that have aided my company, my colleagues, and clients solve complex technical problems. What I envision is a future where the journey towards a true human singularity begins at the individual level.

    Picture of C Z Shows
    I spent 7 years working in the utilities industry as a natural gas pipefitter. Though I loved every moment of this ministry of a career it ended abrutply when I resigned to serve time in prison.
    Trade Skills
    After returning, I began teaching myself to code and I enrolled in a tech bootcamp believing the key to future of work was in gaining tech skills. So, I signed up for a bootcamp.
    Grand Circus Detroit
    Continued Education
    I began my journey by participating in an early Apprenticeship program in 2017 at a well known Consultant Firm. I joined full-time that same year and starting working with clients in various industries.
    Break Into Tech
    Now, I work accross the stack to aid clients build out the new stuff, GenAI Web3 etc. Additionally, I coach new devs on how to gain the cutting edge skills quickly, and find the role to use them.
    Full Stack Engineer

    Projects from the vault

    At heart, I am a learner. I love discovering new things. When it interests me, I get a bit like Alice and I fall deep into the rabbit hole. Still, there is a method to the madness. The development stack standards are changing. I learn to be ready for the future Full-Stack. Check out some of my early and latest discoveries.

    3D Front End

    Raging Sea Shader

    This ThreeJS shader was born of my thoughts on what the future of Front End experiences will be. User experiences are becoming more sophisticated, because users are becoming more sophisticated. As an engineer its important to be able to build those experiences. Tech: ThreeJS x WebGL x Vercel

    GenAI Web App

    GenAI Article Writer

    This is a Gen AI article writer. It is more tailored to LinkedIn style articles. Give it a try. Sign up and enter a title and watch it work. I know its a bit bare bones. I was exploring minimalism and brutalism at the time. Tech: OpenAI x AWS Amplify x NextJS x ThreeJS

    Web3 Naming Service

    ✊🏿🛸 Fro Name Service

    Stamp your own API name on the Polygon blockchain. Like, what!? I thought this was pretty cool You can create your own name to use as an API for your polygon address. It still has a way to go before I release it into the wild completely but it's a pretty cool start. Tech: React x Solidity x Hardhat x OpenZepplin x Vercel